You are a loser! Those four short little words, carelessly formed and uttered 21 years ago, had a significant impact in a man’s life.
After a brief talk I gave to a group last week, I was walking back to take a seat and this man stopped me and said,” I have to talk to you.” He shared with me that he had not known if he even wanted to be there that day until he heard me say three simple phrases:
You are valuable! You are significant! You have what it takes!
He said he had been feeling depressed, frustrated and worthless, but after hearing these phrases, something woke up in him that helped him overcome the silly, hurtful and stinging words hurled at him 21 years before, “You are a loser!”
Deep down inside he knew he was not a loser, but when things were not going well and he was stuck looking for the reasons why, little words and phrases especially, negative ones, just popped up and smacked him right in the face!
Have you ever had those words directed to you? If you have, they do not have to define who you are and what you can become. Whether you lose or win will be determined by your attitude. If you let the negativity of the words of others take root in your heart and soul, uncertainty and pain will grow. Understanding your value and believing in who you were created to be can act as a shield to your heart and mind. As a result, no one will ever be able to rob you of who you are. A positive attitude and your belief in yourself is a winning combination for overcoming any negative attacks aimed at bringing you down.